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Resources for CLGs

​​​CLG Reporting

CLGs and the National Register of Historic Places

As part of the partnership between CLGs and KHC, the CLG is responsible for reviewing all National Register of Historic Places nominations for properties within its jurisdiction and commenting about their eligibility. The CLG must submit a report to KHC for each property or district proposed for nomination to the National Register. 

CLG National Register materials:  

Local Historic District vs. National Register Historic District

In essence, a local historic district provides more stringent local oversight and regulations while a National Register district primarily offers recognition and some benefits, but without the direct regulatory control over property changes.​

Differences between Local Historic District and National Register Historic District

​​Differences At-a-Glance

  • Designation by through local historic preservation ordinance or zoning laws by the local government.
  • Protects the historic character of a district, focusing on maintaining the appearance and architectural integrity of a place.
  • New construction, demolitions, and alterations to a building’s exterior must be reviewed and approved by the local historic commission.
  • Protects the district’s properties from improper alterations to building exteriors, demolition, and incompatible new construction through a local design review process.
  • Local financial assistance and/or incentives if available.
  • Federal designation through the National Park Service.
  • Recognizes the historical significance of places at the national, state, or local level.
  • Does not restrict alterations or new development unless work is assisted with federal funding or historic rehabilitation tax credits.
  • Provides some protection from federally funded projects that could negatively affect its character.
  • ​Eligible for federal and state tax credits for rehabilitation work (if it meets the Secretary of Interior’s Standards)

​CLG Annual Reports
In order to determine that all Kentucky CLGs are performing their responsibilities, each CLG shall submit an annual report of preservation commission activities. Such reports shall include, but are not limited to, an updated copy of the local historic preservation ordinance, commission meetings and meeting attendance records, the number if COA applications reviewed, new district or historic landmark designations created or changed, resumes of commission members, new appointments, training sessions, and progress made on goals specified in the historic preservation plan. 

FFY 2024 Reporting will open on December 16, 2024, and are due January 31, 2025

Download CLG Annual Reporting Instructions & Form

CLG Annual Report Submission Portal

Helpful sites:

Technical Resources for Preservation, Rehabilitation, and Restoration


​Need Assistance?

Nicole Roth
Site Identification Program Administrator
CLG Program & Planning Coordinator