An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
After exhaustive research and input from a variety of stakeholders, the Kentucky Heritage Council/State Historic Preservation Office (KHC) has completed the next five-year state historic preservation plan and is currently getting the word out to constituents. "A Toolbox for Saving Ourselves: The Kentucky State Historic Preservation Plan 2023-2027" was authored by former Planning Coordinator, Orloff Miller, and is intended to serve as a tool for use by individuals, nonprofits and local governments interested in applying the comprehensive strategies outlined in the plan to issues unique to each community
According to public survey responses, the most important roles of Historic Preservation are:
As the primary state agency responsible for overseeing historic preservation activities throughout the Commonwealth, the Kentucky Heritage Council is required to develop and update a comprehensive statewide historic preservation plan every five years. The Kentucky State Historic Preservation Plan describes a vision for historic preservation, addresses critical issues affecting our historic and cultural resources, and outlines future preservation actions.
Ensuring that Kentucky's unique historic places survive and remain in use requires the commitment of many Kentuckians. Success depends on the work of local preservation commissions, elected officials, preservation professionals, government agencies, educators, and preservation organizations and individual advocates who, together, will be responsible for carrying out the historic preservation agenda outlined in the state plan. By successfully combining policy, planning, and stewardship, we can preserve our past for future generations.
As a recipient of federal funds to administer historic preservation programs in Kentucky, including the National Register of Historic Places and federal rehab tax credit, KHC is required to submit the final plan to the National Park Service.
Learn all about sustainable preservation practices from NPS Technical Preservation Services.
The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Illustrated Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings are the official NPS guidelines on how to make changes to improve energy efficiency of historic buildings