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Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission


T​he Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission was established in 1996 (KRS 171.820-171.822) to recognize and promote Native American contributions and influence in Kentucky’s history and culture. The commission has 17 members (the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet Secretary or designee, plus 16 members appointed by the Governor), eight of whom are required to be of Native American heritage. The commission also includes representatives from institutions of higher learning, archaeology, Native American arts and the public.

Our Vision

All Kentuckians will recognize, appreciate and understand the significant contributions Native Americans have made to Kentucky’s rich cultural heritage.  Through education and increased awareness, the people of Kentucky will understand the histories, cultures and matters of concern to Native American peoples.

Our Goals​

  • To promote increased awareness of the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission within state agencies
  • To promote the role and importance of Native American peoples to the history and development of the Commonwealth through teacher education, media relations, and public education
  • To develop and promote an accurate depiction of Native Americans through media relations, research, and educational programs
  • To develop programs, events, and materials for and about Native American peoples
  • To serve as a clearinghouse for information for and about Native Americans in Kentucky
  • To develop and maintain partnerships between Native American peoples, agencies, and organizations in promoting the goals and objectives of the Commission
  • To promote conservation and preservation of the cultures, ideals, and artifacts of Native Americans in Kentucky
  • To promote existing and needed legislation to protect and promote the heritage of Native American peoples

Sponsored Activities

​​Team Kentucky, the Kentucky Arts Council, the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission and the Kentucky Heritage Council worked together to invite American Indians living in Kentucky to share their visual art. A panel of American Indians and experts on Native American heritage selected works to include and the result is this amazing collection.

As required by law and custom, the Native Reflections exhibit labels indicate whether an artist is an enrolled member of a state- or federally-recognized tribe, or if they are not currently enrolled or recognized. Each artist is listed as either “Enrolled Member” or “Native Inspired.”

Details about the traveling exhibit, Nov. 2024 - May 2025, can be found on the Kentucky Arts Council website.

  • Exhibit Includes Works By:
    • ​Amanda Sayles
    • Brigit Truex
    • Cher Devereaux
    • Darlene Campbell
    • Eugene King
    • Fred Nez Keams
    • Jacqueline Carruthers
    • Jannette Parent
    • Lawson Glasergreen
    • Linda Pierce
    • Tiffany Pyette

Educational Initiatives

  • Native American Heritage Month Poster
  • Teaching About American Indians: Stereotypes and Contributions​​, a Resource Packet for Kentucky Teachers
  • A Native Presence: A Companion Guide For Middle and Elementary School Teachers (Grades 4-8), for use with KET program, A Native Presence
  • Native Americans: Who Are They Today? A Discipline-Based Unit in Social Studies for Grades 4-5 (co-funded by the Kentucky Department of Education)
  • Initiated planning for a Kentucky Native American Arts and Cultural Center​

Useful Links

Northern Kentucky University Native American Studies Program

Kentucky Housing Corporation

University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health

Community Ventures Corporation

Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site / Kentucky State Parks


Next Meeting

  • May 10

Upcoming Meetings 

  • July 12
  • September 13
  • November 1


Commission Members

​Preservation or Archaeological Community

Dwight R. Cropper, South Portsmouth
David Pollack, Lexington

Arts Community

Susan Mullins, Berea

Citizens at Large

​Frank Beaty, Eubank​
Michael Dunn, Louisville, Vice Chair
Venus Evans, Corbin
Sarah Gibbs, Campton
Melissa Howard, Jackson
Kelly Hyberger, Louisville
Lewis Nicholls, Greenup​
William "Chip" Richardson, Lexington
James Sizemore, Manchester
Brigit Truex, Lexington​

Institutions of Higher Learning

A. Gwynn Henderson, Lexington
Christopher A. Robinson, Richmond
Marcie Venter, Murray

Secretary of the Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet Lindy Casebie​r