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Certification and Application Process

Once a preservation ordinance is in place and a preservation commission is established, you can apply to KHC for certification. Any community can apply to be a CLG, with applications accepted year-round. KHC works with communities to ensure they meet federal and state requirements for the CLG Program. The CLG Coordinator is available to meet with local officials, preservation commissions, and other interested parties to discuss the program’s details, requirements, and benefits. Additionally, the CLG Coordinator will also help guide you throughout the application and certification process. 

The certification process begins with a local government submitting the following supporting materials to KHC:
  • Completed KY CLG Program Application Form​​​​.
  • A letter signed by the chief elected official requesting CLG certification (sample available here).
  • Copy of the Preservation Commission’s bylaws or rules of procedures.
  • List and resumes of all commission members and their terms of office.
  • A brief statement for each commissioner demonstrating knowledge, interest, or experience in historic preservation. 
  • Copy of the Certificate of Appropriateness application.
  • Meeting minutes from the previous four (4) commission meetings.
  • Sample notice of a public meeting for the commission.
  • Clearly defined map(s) of the boundaries of the district(s) and/or individual landmark sites, along with a resource inventory list.
  • A copy of the guidelines used to review Certificate of Appropriateness applications.
  • Statement on how the local government maintains a system for the survey and inventory of historic properties. 
  • Resume of the staff liaison to the Preservation Commission.
When KHC receives the application, it will be reviewed, and the chief elected official will receive a response within sixty (60) days. If approved, KHC will prepare a written certification agreement outlining the specific responsibilities of the CLG and forward it to the Secretary of Interior. If the Secretary does not take exception to the request within fifteen (15) working days, the local government shall be regarded as certified by the Secretary.


Need Assistance?

Nicole Roth
Site Identification Program Manager
CLG Program & Planning Coordinator


Other Helpful Information

CLG Contact List​​

CLG Elected Officials List​​