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Section 106 Review


​The Site Protection Program is where you can find information on how, what, and when to submit documentation to our office for review and compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA). In addition, our mission is to protect significant cultural resources throughout the Commonwealth, assist in moving economic development forward across the state, expedite review stemming from disaster response, and streamline the review and compliance process for our state and local partners. Our team is made up of three cultural historians, three archaeologists, and one Program Administrator who provide guidance to federal agencies in considering cultural resources that may be impacted by federal projects. 

Anytime that you are seeking federal permits or funding, Section 106 of the NHPS is triggered and you will need a letter from our office in order to receive funding. As soon as you are aware you will be seeking federal funding or permitting from a federal agency, we encourage you to reach out to us. At a minimum, with all pertinent information, our review can take up to 30 days. If a survey is required or adverse effects to historic properties could occur as a result of your project, this review time can be longer. As a rule of thumb, the sooner you contact us, the sooner we can help you through to completion of your review process. 

Section 106 Review

​STEP 1: Download and complete the Section 106 Cover Sheet

Be sure to complete this form in its entirety and save it. Review Item # 6 in particular and make sure to provide the necessary attachments with your submission. If there is any ground disturbance proposed, the results of an OSA Preliminary Site Check (Item # 5) must be provided. Your 30-day review period begins when we receive ALL documentation. It is also helpful for you to correctly list the federal agency you are working with. (Helpful hint: the Department of Local Government (DLG) is not a federal agency.)

STEP 2: Consolidate and name individual files.

  • Combine all photos into a single pdf before submitting.
  • Use the same nomenclature for each document within your submission. All file names should include the lead federal agency, an abbreviated unique project title and the county where your project is located. (ex. KIA_Waterline_Adair, USDA_Polebarn _Warren, HUD_MultifamilyHousing_Franklin) This nomenclature is necessary for us to be able to access all your documents in a consolidated manner.
STEP 3: Upload & submit your documents using the INHERIT portal

  • Include ALL pertinent attachments including your completed Section 106 Cover Sheet before you submit. 
  • Once you have clicked “Submit" on the bottom of the attachment upload page, you will not be able to add documents to your folder. 
  • You will know your documents have been uploaded when you see the note, “Success. Your files have been submitted," appears on your screen.

The State Historic Preservation Office is happy to work with our federal, state, and local partners. We look forward to continued conversations and the development of future agreements and processes that serve to protect significant cultural resources throughout the Commonwealth. Should you have questions or concerns please contact our Site Protection Program by emailing​​

​Helpful Documents & Links