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Preliminary Site Check Info and FAQs

​​​​How to Complete a Preliminary Site Check

Historic Structure Records

A site check of historic structures can be performed by an applicant free of charge through the KHC Cultural Resource Web Portal . Please note: project registration numbers are no longer required for Section 106 coversheets. Applicants submitting for the purposes of Section 106 review must show their APE and must present the above ground site check results at a scale that is appropriate for reviewers to read all pertinent details.

Preliminary Site Check Instructions [PDF, 256KB]

FCC Guidance [PDF, 156KB]

Guidelines for Search Buffers [PDF, 147KB]

​​​​​khc cultural resource pORTAL 

​Archaeology Records

The Office of State Archaeology (OSA) records are not open to the public. However, a qualified professional archaeologist can access the paper records free of charge and complete a search on the applicant's behalf by visiting the OSA archives in Lexington. Alternatively, an applicant can submit an online request for OSA staff to complete a preliminary site check for a fee.

Preliminary Site Check fees are charged solely for generating a unique report on the applicant's behalf that identifies known archaeological sites that may be impacted by a proposed project. The fees do not represent payment for Section 106 Review, and the preliminary site check results do not constitute consultation with or "clearance" from the SHPO for a project to proceed.

Preliminary Site Check FAQs

Why am I being asked to perform a preliminary site check?

Previously, KHC Site Protection staff completed preliminary site checks on behalf of applicants as part of their Section 106 review, though they were not obligated to do so, and it increased the time needed to complete the review. We have now developed ways to streamline this process to allow for more timely responses, including a means for applicants to complete their own preliminary site checks utilizing a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) site check portal. 

Will the preliminary site check process affect my timeline for Section 106 review?

This process does not increase the time it takes to prepare a Section 106 submission. Within 2-3 business days of submitting an online request and payment for a preliminary site check, the Site Identification Program will send an e-mailed, PDF version of a report which provides the address of any previously surveyed historic resources within your project area and a small area around it, the resource type (house, barn, cemetery, etc.), and the National Register status of the resource. Either method will allow you to provide more complete information with your project's initial submission to our office, greatly reducing the likelihood that staff would need to request more information to complete your Section 106 review. 

Does the site check count as consultation with KHC/SHPO for the purposes of Section 106?

No. In the Section 106 process, identifying historic properties that could be directly or indirectly affected by a project is ultimately the responsibility of the funding/permitting agency or its delegate. The preliminary site check provides information that assists the agency/delegate in fulfilling this responsibility and should be carried out in advance of the Section 106 review process. The results of the site check along with other information you collect such as photographs, the history/use of the project area, comments on local significance, etc., will become part of a larger packet you send to KHC/SHPO. This submission is what initiates Section 106 consultation and triggers comment on your project.

The results of my preliminary site check indicate there are no sites in my project area. Does that mean my project will have no effect on historic properties? 

Not necessarily. If your online request or your own research of paper records returns no results in or around your project area, it is likely your project area has not been previously surveyed for historic properties. If you can see anything over 50 years of age in or around your project area, it will be especially important to account for these buildings/structures in your Section 106 submission to KHC/SHPO. 

Are there undertakings that do not require a preliminary site check?

Some undertakings (e.g. federal loan refinancing that does not support major rehabilitation, small equipment purchases like radios, etc.) do not have the potential to impact historic properties and would not usually require the kind of information provided in a preliminary site check. Please note, that a preliminary site check is not required to submit projects to the KHC/SHPO for Section 106 review and comment; the Site Protection Program will review all submissions received by our office. However, when an undertaking does have the potential to impact historic properties (e.g. demolition, new construction, building renovation, etc.), and a preliminary site check has not been completed, staff may need to request additional information to facilitate review. This can increase your Section 106 timeline.

Are preliminary site checks solely designed for Section 106 review?

No. The Site Identification Program offers this service to a variety of interested citizens and groups looking for research assistance, information to use in planning, etc.

What is a coded property?

The resources labeled by numbers (e.g., 02400301) are coded properties. Properties coded in this way were recorded as part of informal survey efforts several decades ago, and do not have a site form. We cannot provide any information about the National Register status of the property. If you survey a coded property in the field, an official site number from KHC will need to be requested.

What is an electronic entry (“#EL#")?

Electronic entries are marked by #EL# in their historic name and represent resources that do not have individual survey forms for that property. Often electronic entries are the result of older National Register nominations. If your project includes one of these properties, a KHC survey form will need to be completed.

What do the colored circles mean on older survey forms?

Some older surveys do not explicitly state the properties' National Register status on the form. Instead, colored circles were used to symbolize the resource's National Register eligibility status (see chart).

​Survey site/unassessed

For questions about site checks:

Please email and copy the Survey Coordinator. 

Matt Yagle
Survey Coordinator

Karen Stevens
Data Coordinator
