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​​​​​​​​If you are a consultant working in Cultural Resource Management, please note that these procedures may require a Background Literature and Records Research document with recommendations. The content for said documents is presented ​within.

Notice of Procedure - Water & Sewer Project - May 23, 2024​​

The purpose of this procedure is to streamline the submission and review process for OBD undertakings requiring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The goal of this procedure is to accommodate the increased workload for projects with federal funding. The audience for this guidance is our state partners at OBD, their applicants, and consultants meeting the Secretary of Interior's professional qualifications for a preservation field who have their curriculum vitae on file with the Kentucky Heritage Council and who have received a response letter from our office acknowledging that we have had the opportunity to compare the consultants' qualifications with federal guidance.

​​​​​​​​​​Notice of procedure - water & sewer projects​ 

​​Notice of Procedure - Broadband - May 10, 2024​​

​The purpose of this procedure is to streamline the submission and review processes for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for small-scale linear projects. The goal of this procedure is to accommodate the increased workload for projects with federal funding. This document sets forth what information KHC requires based on project type. The audience for this guidance is our state partners, their applicants, and consultants meeting the Secretary of Interior's professional qualifications for a preservation field who have their curriculum vitae on file with the Kentucky Heritage Council and who have received a response letter from our office acknowledging that we have had the opportunity to compare the consultants' qualifications with federal guidance.

​​​​​​​​​​notice of procedure - broadband​​

The State Historic Preservation Office is happy to work with our federal, state, and local partners. We look forward to continued conversations and the development of future agreements and processes that serve to protect significant cultural resources throughout the Commonwealth. Should you have questions or concerns please contact our Site Protection Program by emailing Nicole Konkol​.​