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Rehabilitation Tax Credits

​​​​​Submit Tax Credit Applications here: 

Tax Credit Application Portal Icon.png​​​​
Tax Credit Payment Portal Icon.png

​Click on the Application Portal (above) to submit your​ Tax Credit Applications.
Please follow the  Naming Requirement Guide for your files before uploading. 

​​Click on the Payment Portal (above) to calculate and pay
your Review Fee​. For alternative ways to pay, please contact us​


Overview of Rehabilitation Tax Credits:

A Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit is a voluntary, dollar-for-dollar credit toward a property owner's income taxes, based on the cost of rehabilitating a Historic Property. Rehabilitation expenses must take place within 24-months.  

  1. ​To qualify, your property must be listed on the National Register of Historic Places​. You can search for your property here or contact our National Register Coordinator if you're unsure if your property is listed. 
  2. Next, your project must meet the federal guidelines of "Rehabilitation​." Staff is here to support and guide you, so the project successfully meets the Standards of Rehabilitation. 
  3. The Rehabilitation Tax Credit program is a three-part application process, whereas Parts 1 and 2 are submitted before the project begins and Part 3 is submitted after the work is complete. Your tax credit is awarded after the Part 3 application is approved.

See below, for more information, or contact us today with your questions! 

Rehabilitation Tax Credit Programs:

​The type of Tax Credit program you're eligible for is determined by how the property is going to be used once rehabilitated. Please​​​ select the category (below) that best describes your building's use. ​

​Frequently Asked Questions: 

When can I apply?

We accept, review, and process applications ALL YEAR. You should start the application process as soon as you begin planning a project! 
The deadline​ for a project to be in a specific fiscal year is April 29th. We issue Allocation Letters (which state how much funding is set aside for your specific project from our annual budget) on June 29th each year. You may only have one (1) active Tax Credit project at any given time. Each project must be separate, distinct, and finished​ before applying for a new Tax Credit project. 

Can I retroactively apply for Tax Credits?

Applicants should file a Rehabilitation Tax Credit project (Part 1 and Part 2 applications) before beginning any work.
If a project has already begun and meets the programmatic requirements, it may be eligible for retroactive approval. It is at the applicant's own risk to apply retroactively. 
For retroactive applications, the project must have at least one "QRE" (Qualifying Rehabilitation Expense) within the project's Allocation Year.​
However, please note that all applicable Tax Laws shall apply to retroactive applications. Please see the KRS and IRS​ guidance on statutory limitations for filing a tax return. If you have tax-related questions, please contact: 

Do I need to provide interior photos if the project is only for exterior work? 

​Yes. Regardless of the scope of work, our photo documentation requirements include (2) photos of each exterior facade and (2) photos of each interior space, taken from opposing corners. If no work is proposed, then the "before" and "after" photos should not reflect any changes in those areas. 

Do I need to describe all scopes of work or only the Qualifying Rehabilitation Expenses? 

​You must describe all scopes of work that you are undertaking at the property. ​Additionally, there is a 3-5 year Monitoring and Enforcement period after your Part 3 approval, where any additional work must be described to our office prior to starting the work. When we review your Tax Credit application, we review the property in its entirety and assess the whole project for conformance with our program requirements. We do not select portions of the property or portions of the project to review. Even if a certain scope of work does not qualify for Tax Credits (such as new construction or additions), we still review these scopes to ensure that the design does not jeopardize the work that qualifies for Tax Credits. We refer to this as assessing the cumulative effects of the project. 

When can I claim my awarded Tax Credits?

​A project must have all three applications (Parts 1, 2, and 3) approved by the Kentucky Heritage Council before the awarded tax credit amount may be applied to your tax return. ​The awarded credit amount can be applied to the year the project was completed. Random financial reviews can be requested and applicant's should be prepared to provide documentation substantiating their QREs.The Kentucky Heritage Council does not provide any tax-related advice.  
Any tax-related questions should be directed to your tax-preparing professional and/or to the Department of Revenue's Tax Credit staff, at: DORTaxCredits@Ky.Gov. 

Are there any grants available?

​​The Kentucky Heritage Council does not offer or administer grants for Rehabilitation projects. However, the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) has several grant opportunities
The NTPF grants are often limited to a specific type of recipient, geographical region, and/or project goal. One of the grants administered through the NRHP is the Linda and Jerry Bruckheimer Preservation Fund for Kentucky, and has an application deadline of June 1st, each year. See all the NTPF grants that are available, here!
Who can I contact with questions? 
Katie Wilborn, Site Development Program Administrator
(502)-892-3446, Please note that email is the best way to reach Katie Wilborn. 
​For additional Site Development staff contacts, please see our Staff Contact page. 

Kentucky Heritage Council staff do not provide tax-related advice. Rather, we provide information on the process and requirements of the Rehabilitation Tax Credit programs. Taxpayers are urged to seek the advice of a qualified tax professional for any tax credit project.​​

Written​ Notice:

Please note that the K​HC has followed the National Park Service's efforts to go digital. The National Park Service (NPS) created a fully electronic Tax Credit process in September 2023. As such, all State and Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit applications MUST  be submitted​ digitally AND on the correct electronic Application Forms (located on this website, under the "Applications & Forms" section), or they shall be deemed incomplete and the applicant notified to resubmit correctly.  Furthermore, ​the Site Development Program will issue all State Historic Tax Credit Approvals (Parts 1, 2, and 3; also known as Forms: TC-1, -2, -3, and -4, respectively) by email to the applicant(s) from Marc​h 1, 2023 henceforth. The National Park Service provides their approval documents to the applicant for Federal Historic Tax Credit applications via email, as well. The only documents that shall be sent to the applicant via written notice in the mail, per our regulations, shall be:

  • Withdrawal of Certification of Historic Significance (per Section 3 of KAR 300.006.011)
  • Notice of Recapture of Allocation Credit (per Section 6 of KAR 300.006.011)​
  • Revocation of Owner's Certifications (per Section 9 of KAR 300.006.011) ​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Small graphic that says New2024 Tax Credit Allocation Data

Infographics highlighting the 2024 Rehabilitation Tax Credit Allocations 

2024 Rehabilitation Tax Credit Allocation Data [PDF, 1.3MB]

20 YR Anniversary Tax Credit Logo Web Final-100.jpg

Applications & Forms:

You must download and fill out the Application Forms, listed below, using Adobe Acrobat or the free version of Adobe Reader.

Naming Requirement Guide

Include with ALL applications:
 Photo Form [PPT, 145KB]
Also available as a PDF document: ​​Photo Form [PDF, 237KB]
​Also available as a Word document: Photo Form [​DOCX, 51kb]


​​​State Applications: 
State Application - Part 1 [PDF, 1MB]​
State Application - Part 2 [PDF, 1.2MB]
State Application - Part 2 Amend​ment [PDF, 508KB]
State Application - Part 3 [PDF, 357KB]​

​Federal Applications

The following forms are for income-producing properties and have been prepared and provided by the National Park Service for distribution.

Transmittal Log.docx - NEW Federal REQUIREMENT!

Additional / Other Applications:

Extension Request Form.pdf
State - Relinquish or Withdraw Tax Credit Application.pdf

Fee Schedules: 

State - Fee Schedule for State Tax Credit Applications 
State Tax Credit information
Federal - Fee information for Federal Tax Credit Applications​ 
Federal Tax Credit information


Tax Credits One-Page Informational_2024.pdf

Photo Documentation Guide For Tax Credit Applications​.pdf

Standards for Rehabilitation
​Window Guidelines​
QREs vs. Non-QREs.pdf
QRE vs Non-QREs definitions (IRS Treasury 1.48).pdf
Federal - Application Guide.pdf

Application Examples:

Part 2 - Photo Key & Floor Plan Examples.pdf
Part 2 - Description of Rehabilitation Example.pdf
State Application Example.pdf

EXAMPLE - Homeowner Project.pdf

State Regulations: