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Looking to the Future

Kentucky Project Archaeology facilitators and program coordinators are always looking for opportunities to bring quality Project Archaeology materials to Kentucky’s educators.

We will continue to hold at least one Project Archaeology Intrigue of the Past workshop every year and to periodically offer hour-long “teaser” workshops at state-wide teacher conferences. A September 2010 article in the Kentucky Teacher should heighten awareness about our workshops and materials.

But we also are exploring other ways to reach Kentucky’s educators.  For example, in 2009, we began laying plans to make our lessons and content materials accessible on the web through KET's EncycloMedia for easier access on demand.

Plans also are in the works to bring Project Archaeology: Investigating Shelter to Kentucky.  Funding has been secured for the development of Kentucky-centric shelter units targeting a house inhabited by prehistoric Fort Ancient farmers and an urban shotgun house, home to working-class African-Americans. Once we have these materials in hand, we will train facilitators to deliver this program. Kentucky Project Archaeology may be able to partner with national Project Archaeology to offer/host an on-line Project Archaeology: Investigating Shelter course targeting Kentucky educators.

We also hope to produce a Kentucky-centric version of Intrigue of the Past, which pulls together all of the Kentucky lessons we've adapted and developed.  We also hope to conduct a survey of former workshop participants to find out what lessons they are using and to ask educators directly how we can meet their needs in the coming years.